I am extremely proud to be the only Professional Real Estate Inspector of my kind in the state of Texas. First, I am one of only a handful of Board-Certified, Professional Master Inspectors in the state of Texas (out of almost 4,000 state-licensed Professional Inspectors). Secondly, I have a Master of Engineering (M.Engr.) Degree in Civil Engineering. My inspections and structural evaluations are performed from a very different perspective than most other state-licensed Inspectors, due to my qualifications and experience. All of my Board-Certified, Professional Inspections far exceed the Texas Real Estate Commission Standards of Practice, which is the minimum inspection standard all state-licensed Inspectors are required to follow. I have performed well over 13,000 inspections and structural evaluations since becoming licensed by TREC over 33 years ago.
When I perform a Property Inspection, I include numerous complimentary/ancillary inspections to my clients that other inspection companies do not offer and/or are not qualified to perform. For a detailed list of these complimentary/ancillary inspections, please click HERE or visit the "WHAT'S INCLUDED" page of our website.
I have an extreme passion for the Real Estate Inspection industry and absolutely LOVE what I do! I consistently strive to be the BEST Inspector for my Clients and the professional Realtors representing my Clients! This may sound a bit "cliche," but I truly perform each and every inspection like I am purchasing the property for myself. When you see my final product (your inspection reports), you will realize that this statement is far from "cliche!" My inspection reports are highly customized and thoroughly documented, with hundreds of detailed pictures. Instead of your typical boilerplate comments provided by most inspection companies, you will receive the expert opinion and insight my qualifications, training and experience brings to the table, which is unparalleled in the inspection industry today. The Texas Real Estate Commission allows Inspectors (2) days to deliver Inspection Reports to their clients; however, I always strive to issue my Inspection Reports the same day.
At A-PLUS Inspection Services, PLLC, we pride ourselves in superior customer service and "service after the sale." We have had the same phone number for 58 years and offer lifetime consulting to all of our clients. If you ever have any questions/concerns, we are always a phone call, text or e-mail away! We sincerely appreciate your business, trust & confidence in our Board-Certified, Award-Winning, Professional Inspection Services.